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Writer's pictureJasmine Ray-Symms

The Best Gift of Christmas

I Iove the holidays! I love decorating my house. I love hearing the Christmas music on the radio. I love the friends and family that come together to celebrate. I love the excuse to go shopping! It can be easy though to forget the “why” behind the holiday. It can be easy to forget why the holidays are really important: the decorations help set the mood, but it would still be Christmas without them. Those Christmas tunes can be festive, but the message is what’s important. And friends and family gathering? Well, that is completely in line with the “reason for the season” except when I care more about what I’m serving for dinner and the way the house looks instead of enjoying the time together, relishing in the love we share. And finally, the shopping: am I shopping to give to others or am I merely accumulating wealth in someone else’s name?

When I take the time to stop and reflect on the meaning of Christmas, when I appreciate this incredible gift of salvation that God has given me, and when I grasp the miracle of GOD coming to earth, I am humbled. I spend way too much time being irritated at the lines at the store and not enough on seeing those people that God came to save. He didn’t just come to be with me, He came to be with all of us. Even the snippy lady in front of me at the grocery store taking out her frustrations on the hapless grocery clerk. So, join with me during this time of celebration to recognize the gift and share it with others. For God is with us and He has come to save us!

“Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.” —Matthew 1:23

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