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Writer's pictureJasmine Ray-Symms

Thank You

Thank you, God, for my wife. I am blessed with the most amazing, loving, strong woman. We’ve been together since I was a child. She’s stood by me through doctors, diagnoses and psych wards. She’s my rock and my love.

Thank you, God, for my children. There are families who want children and it doesn’t happen. I’m grateful to be blessed in this way. I did nothing to deserve it. My children are my heart. I live for them.

Thank you, God, for my family. Whether near or far they are a part of me. I cherish everyone whether I see you every day, month, year or decade. I love you for being a part of my history, the fond memories you evoke when you come to mind.

Thank you, God, for my friends. Thank you for the ones I’ve known for months and the ones I’ve known as long as I can remember. Thank you for the arguments and gab sessions. Thank you for being there when I need them or so busy with our own lives we don’t speak for months. Either way we always find our connection again. We demonstrate love and forgiveness throughout the craziness of life.

And thank you, God, for those you bring into my life, passing through yet teaching along the way. I’ve learned who to trust and who to keep my distance. I’ve seen a reflection of myself in your eyes not people’s. At first, some may have taught me not to trust but it’s done the opposite. I’ve learned my worth. I’ve learned that not everyone is trustworthy but that doesn’t have to color the way I see the world. There are a lot of good people in the world and I can surround myself with them. I am worthy whether others see my worth or not.

So, for those struggling, I suggest offering thanks. It puts everything in perspective and the focus on God. I am thankful for everything: the good, the bad and everything in between. Thank you, God!

Photo by Howie R on Unsplash

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