Our church, United in Grace, offers “Wild Church” called “Grace in the Wild”. We have a short program and then wander in the woods drawing closer to God through the power of nature. I don’t always go, but I’m always given insights as I walk and talk with God.
Today’s program was centered on the Gaelic celebration of Samhein in which the barrier between us and those who have gone before us becomes “thin”. As we walked, we were encouraged to remember those we love who have passed. I thought of my mother. She was an avid gardener. As I looked around me, I saw the dead leaves on the ground but also the living plants that don’t die in the winter but instead continue to grow in the cold and damp. I picked a beautiful leaf from the ground and a single blade of grass to remind me of the cycle of life and the durability of life. Death is never the end. Life continues, renewed each season.
I miss my mom every day. Before she died, she moved in with me. I drove her crazy worrying about her. As concerns rose about her mental decline I fretted more. Now I face my own cognitive decline and am reminded, “Karma is a b****! But I still remember the strong woman she was and the beautiful garden that brought her such joy. Every memory of her reminds me of that strength and how she shared that gift with me. She set the standard: staying strong, loving others and staying devoted to God.
Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash