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Writer's pictureJasmine Ray-Symms

Our "New Normal"

It's been a long two years. We’ve seen not only sickness and death but also division and isolation. We’ve seen COVID ravage not only bodies but also hearts and souls. We’ve also seen courage and hope. Nurses and doctors answering the call, risking themselves and their families to care for others. We’ve seen the hope of vaccines. We may not all agree with using them, but you can’t deny the work that was put in to developing them as quickly as possible. And while some have resisted the wearing of masks, for most it has been a demonstration of caring for others.

Isaiah 43:18-9 ESV says, “Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert."

God is taking all our pain and anguish and turning it into something new and beautiful. As mandates are lifted and we strive to return to some semblance of the life we led pre-COVID, we have the assurance that God is with us, shaping our future into a “new normal” to bless us. Let us remember the good that has arisen over the last two years. Yes, it has been difficult, but God’s blessings have flowed and people have risen to address the needs of our communities. We have all had the opportunity to care for others and show the love of God to not just those we love but also the stranger. We have served others through our actions and made God’s presence known in this world. I pray that COVID will fade but not the courage, dedication and sacrifice we've all shown and witnessed. As we hopefully put COVID behind us, the hope is before us. God's love will never grow old. His blessings will not be denied.

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