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Lately I’ve been praying for God’s guidance for what I should be doing to serve Her. I’ve frequently signed up for anything that comes along but now I’m realizing that God has plans for me that I need to be open to following. I have to guard my time carefully. I need to protect my sanity so I must manage my stress and commitments. Over the last year I’ve pared off various ministries I was doing because I thought I “should” do them, freeing me up to take on exciting new opportunities. But it’s apparent that even with those reductions, I’m still finding myself overcommitted – especially with a grandbaby on the way.

Working with Pastor Malcolm, he’s urged me to think about what I need to give up – not just the things I don’t want to do anymore but giving up things I love, for things that are even better – more rewarding and in tune with my spiritual gifts (those gifts given by the Holy Spirit to all believers). This means trusting God to guide me in the way I need to go.

This also means grieving as I turn my ministries over to other, more capable hands. It’s not enough to fill the pews or sign my name on the clipboard for volunteers that gets passed around each month. It means giving up ministries that have given me great pleasure. It means looking beyond myself and my own interests and desires and allowing others to serve using their gifts, in ways that are meaningful for them.

I don’t know yet what I’ll give up or what I’ll keep but I’m trusting that God will tell me when I need to know. I’m excited about preaching and teaching. My top three spiritual gifts are exhortation, teaching and wisdom. When I act according to my gifts, God can use me in exciting ways. I can’t wait!

Photo by Claire Kelly on Unsplash

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