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But I’m right!

Writer's picture: Jasmine Ray-SymmsJasmine Ray-Symms

I had a difficult week. I got into a disagreement with someone I deeply respect. I felt rejected and condemned. My ego was bruised. But, as He often does, God used the experience to teach me. He called me to remember what’s important. He reminded me to focus on the clear teachings of Christ and allow for the grey areas. The quote attributed to various theologians, “In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity,” really spoke to me. While I felt I was correct, God showed me that’s it’s rarely about being correct. Jesus didn’t come to earth to lift up the theologically correct leaders. He came to earth for sinners to show us the love we crave. We are His children and He loves us as only a perfect parent can.

I have to admit, when I get into a fight with someone, I get very vengeful. The phrase, “go for the jugular” is frequently my knee-jerk reaction. Every time I started to think that way, God brought to mind Matthew 5:23-24 “Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift.” God continuously reminded me that I was called to love this person as I do all of my brothers and sisters in Christ.

And, as the case is with most things, I had things to learn from this person. I learned to watch my use of words when communicating. Words have power intended or not. And the animosity waned. We made it past our argument and found consensus. We each had lines in the sand we were unwilling to cross but we also extended grace to one another as well. We serve the same God albeit in different ways. We have the same mandate: Love God, Love Others.

God loves those we disagree with. He sees all the sides not just our narrow viewpoint. He’s forgiven us ALL our sins. Shouldn’t we be able to forgive a few?

Photo by Morgan Basham on Unsplash

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Jasmine Ray-Symms

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